Ghada Karmi



"These Shameful Events Have Humiliated the Arab World" The Guardian, 2 January
"Humiliation at the End of a Rope" The Age, 4 January
"Weapon of the Weak" Haaretz, 16 July
"A Historic Anomaly" The Guardian, 17 July
"Israel’s Cost to the Arabs" Le Monde Diplomatique, September
"Israel: The Roadblock to Peace in the Middle East", 11 October
"Intellectual Terrorism", 25 October 2007


"Where is the Global Outcry at This Continuing Cruelty?" The Guardian, May


"Ghaza Hysteria" Al-Ahram Weekly, 25-31 August
"With no Palestinian State in Sight, Aid Becomes an Adjunct to Occupation" The Guardian, 31 December


"Who Killed Yasser Arafat?" Al Hayat, November
"Yasser Arafat: One Of The Last Great Leaders" CounterPunch, November
"The Loss of Arafat: A Disaster Waiting to Happen" Dawn, November
"Who killed Yasser Arafat?" Al Ahram Weekly, November
"Vanishing the Palestinians" CounterPunch, 17-18 July
"By Any Means Necessary" The Guardian, 18 March
"Sharon is Not the Problem" CounterPunch, 20-22 February
"Zionism is Still the Issue", Al Ahram Weekly, January
"Zionism is Still the Issue", Al Hayat, January
"Time to Remember" Al Ahram Weekly, 22-28 January


"Edward Said and the politics of dipossession" Al Ahram Weekly, October
"A Farewell to Edward Said" Al Hayat, October
"The Judaeo-Christian Conspiracy - An Arab Obsession" Al Ahram Weekly, October
"The Palestinians: Separate Fates Divisive to National Cause" Palestine Report, October
"Young Arabs: A Hope for the Future" (unpublished - October 2003)
"What Edward Said meant for Palestinians" (unpublished - September)
"International Reactions to the Intifada" al-Jazeera, September
"A Farewell to Edward Said" Dawn, September
"Working together for Peace"  Al Ahram Weekly, August
"Can Jews and Arabs Work Together for Peace?" (Arabic) Al-Hayat, August
"The Right of Return" OpenDemocracy, 26 August
"The Map Must Show a Way Home" The Guardian, June
"Anti-Semitism: Israel's Most Powerful Weapon"  Al-Hayat, May
" Israel's Blank Cheque" Al Ahram Weekly, May
" In Search of Belonging" Dawn, May
"April is a Tragic Month" Jordan Times, April
" Palestine is Still the Issue" Dawn, April
"Ashamed to be Arab" Al Ahram Weekly,  March
"Arabophobia and the War on Iraq" (In Arabic) Dar L-Adab, January


"An Attack on Us All" The Guardian, December
"A Country of the Mind" The Guardian, October
"A Secular Democratic State in Historic Palestine: An Idea Whose Time Has Come?" Al-Adab, July


"War View: This is no time for eating words" BBC News, 22 November
"War View: It’s Like Bombing Sicily to Try and Beat the Mafia" BBC News, 22 October
"Fussing Over a Red Herring" Al-Ahram Weekly, 22-28 February


"The Future of Peace: A Palestinian View" BBC News, 31 October
"Denial and the Future of Peace" Al-Ahram Weekly, 16-12 April


"With Much Malice Aforethought" Al-Ahram Weekly, 2-8 September
"Kosovars and Palestinians" The Nation, 20 May 1999


"Leaving the Lemon Tree" The Tablet, 25 April
"A Muslim at the Feast" The Tablet, 11 April


"U.S. Embassy Move to Jerusalem is Misguided and Illegal" Washington Report on Middle East Affairs, January/February

