Ghada Karmi

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The Ethnic Health HandbookJerusalem TodayThe Palestinian ExodusIn Search of FatimaMarried to Another Man
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Finding a solution to the question of Jerusalem is one of the crucial political challenges of our time. Of paramount significance to Jews, Christians and Muslims alike, and of immediate relevance to Israelis and Palestinians, Jerusalem if perhaps the most potent symbol if the interrelated, yet divided nature of the Middle East. In spite of this, the city has received surprisingly little international attention over the past three decades.

This volume brings together the views of experts from the fields of Internationl Law, Geography, Theology and representatives from both the Israeli and Arab sides to examine the significance of Jerusalem, and the various options for a just and workable final settlement of the city’s status.

Jerusalem Today:What Future for the Peace Process? Is valuable reading for anyone wanting to understand the central role of Jerusalem in the peace process, especially at this juncture of political uncertainty, or indeed anyone wishing to gain a better insight into the complex and fascinating history of this unique city.

The papers contained in this collection are originally based on a conference held in London in June 1995 by the International Campain for Jerusalem, set up to promote international awareness of the ciy’s importance in the Middle East peace process.

Book Cover

